Friday, June 22, 2007

Belgian Federal Police website hacked!

This afternoon around 14:00 the website from the Federal Police was hacked. During several minutes you could see a message from the 'Spycheck Team'. It's the first time this happened to the Federal Belgian Police website. The page could be removed in minutes however the website seems to still have some problems and shows a message that the site is temporarely unavailable at this time of writing.
The page showed ( 'hacked by Spynet' and
continued with a French text:
"Soyez heureux, un gamin de 17 ans a piraté le site de la Police Belge.
La sécurité de votre site reflète bien le manque de compétence de la Police.
Webmaster: Allez réviser, ça vous fera du bien.
Gouvernement: Recrutez une police de meilleur niveau, celle-ci ne ressemble strictement à rien."